Supporting children with special educational needs
At Bunyan Preschool we provide an environment in which all children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported to reach their full potential. Bunyan preschool promotes ‘’Every Child Matters’’. All practitioners give great importance on identifying children with special educational needs early. The early intervention plan is put in place to ensure that children receive effective help and support. It is believed that the sooner children get their much-needed help, the sooner they are able to make progress.
Bunyan preschool recognises that children make progress at different rates and have different ways in which they learn best. Practitioners take account of this by looking carefully at how they organise the learning environment, activities and materials they give to each child and the way that they teach - ‘differentiating the curriculum’. Children with Special Educational Needs have access to the EYFS curriculum by a step-by-step or ‘graduated approach’.
Our specialised intervention for children with SEND include:
· Lift-off to Language to support children’s communication and
language skills
· Small group activities to support children’s personal and social development.
· Attention Autism activities to support the development of attention skills.
The Bunyan Preschool has a dedicated SENDCO, Mrs Mihaela Yasir who works closely with the SEND support staff and parents. Regular meetings are held with parents and their views and input to their child's education is always encouraged.